There's been no shortage of hilarious memes related to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (especially Donald Trump) and I have a feeling it's going to stay that way for sometime. Even if you haven't been political in this last election you'll notice the app stores are flooded with apps and games related to Donald Trump. While unfortunately most of them are just taking advantage of a political debacle, some of them are actually hilarious...and dare I say fun? These are the top 3 hilarious Donald trump games (and probably the only ones worth downloading).
Punch The Trump
While it's obvious what exactly this game is about, playing it provides a different experience than expected. It's fun as hell. The controls are tight, and it seems the developer put some time into the animations. From four different attacks to making combos, punching Trump is unexpectedly enjoyable. Not only do you box trump, but the AI is pretty good releasing combos at the player. When appropriate, Trump blocks himself when taking too much damage, and taunts the player when he is blocking himself. Releasing more combos, and taking Trump's health results in Trumps face looking more battered and bloody. It's actually kind of violent if you think about it, but hey maybe that's your thing.
Punch the Trump is available on the android store here.
Trump on Top
From the onset, this game looks to be like a mexican wrestling game akin to Nacho Libre. There's no satire really, or dialogue from Trump, but the gameplay is hilarious. You can choose characters such as Hillary, Trump, Obaman and unlock other characters. You and your opponent are locked at arms, and the goal is to swing or throw the other character against the wall or ground to cause damage. The physics are so nonsensical and goofy, but for some reason tossing Donald Trump(or Hillary) and smashing them against a wall is quite fun. You can check
this game out on the google play store.
Flappi Trump
There's probably a dozen Flappy Trump style games on the android store, and about a thousand flappy bird clones, but this one breaks the mold. From the start menu, you can see Trump jogging across the screen saying hilarious phrases or words that we are all too familiar with. The gameplay is in the recognizable "avoid the pipes" gameplay but it's the added features which make it hilarious(and yeah ashamedly addicting). At random intervals, Trump has to avoid flying crows or floating gloves. If a crow is hit it bursts into feathers right after crowing(for some reason it never gets old) and if Donald gets too close to a glove it swats him down or up. Here's the kicker - Whenever Trump hits a pipe or object he turns into a ragdoll, so he flops about in a cartoony realistic way. Collecting coins allows you to buy perks from the start menu. Perks include slowing down time or unlocking other features. It's probably the most complex flappy bird clone to date. This
Trump game can be found on the android store.